
For Bolt, the EU is a unique political space waiting to be filled with democratic life.
European citizens need to be empowered to make informed political decisions, be able to influence politics beyond elections alone, and exercise their democratic rights within vibrant, resilient, and deliberative democracies.

First, we encourage local communities to start looking at the European Union as a potential problem-solver (as opposed to a problem-maker) and to collaborate across borders when tackling local problems. Bolt will highlight opportunities to constructively use the European spaces where they exist, to use the tools already available for doing so, and to develop new channels for citizens to participate in political life. Furthermore, Bolt will engage in capacity-building activities to strengthen citizens’ ability to meaningfully participate in and influence political processes. And of course, we will practice what we preach by applying the standards we put down for citizen empowerment to ourselves.

We want to foster lively, pluralistic, and accessible public spheres, which is why we advocate for a range of measures to safeguard media freedom and pluralism throughout Europe and support fostering the emergence of a transnational European media landscape. We also support strong and dynamic cultural and creative industry sectors, as these are key to maintaining European pluralism. We also want to ensure the openness of public data. We think open data provides an ideal and effective gateway for citizen empowerment: it can provide an objective basis for analysis, debate, and education, as well as empower citizens to make innovative use of the data available to them and to acknowledge their role in generating change.

We want to increase citizens’ opportunities to influence political and policy processes. Throughout Europe, citizens choose their European, national, and local representatives through the act of elections, and we want to make sure that elections across all of Europe are free and fair. We also acknowledge that political innovations in general, and digital technologies in particular, have given rise to a variety of tools and processes that make it possible for citizens to actively take part in democratic civic life beyond elections alone. This is why we advocate for a range of concrete tools for strengthening participatory and transnational European democracy.

Foster vibrant, pluralistic, and accessible public spheres to enable citizens to make informed political decisions

Empowered European citizenship requires vibrant, pluralistic, and accessible public
spheres in the individual EU member states and in Europe as a whole. Informed political decisions are only possible under conditions in which information is freely accessible. This requires a functioning, healthy, and independent public sphere, one in which citizens not only have access to quality information but are also able to process this information; where diverse perspectives are publicly deliberated by the media, political actors, and civil society; and where citizens are able to choose between valid political alternatives.

Promote free and pluralistic cultural and media landscapes

“The freedom and pluralism of the media shall be respected.” Media freedom and pluralism are essential pillars of democracy and thus are enshrined as fundamental values in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. Unfortunately, today’s European media landscapes are under high pressure and stress: independence and pluralism of the media are threatened in many European states, and a transnational European media landscape is still in its infancy. Furthermore, many citizens’ information and communication habits have shifted towards the Internet. On the one hand, the Internet facilitates access to information and offers citizens new opportunities for participation, discussion, and shaping opinions. On the other hand, the emergence of a digital marketplace for news poses fundamental challenges to quality journalism, both online and in print. News outlets everywhere are struggling to find sustainable business models, while coordinated misinformation campaigns are undermining the very essence of rational discourse and decision-making across the globe. This undermines public trust in democratic institutions. Bolt strives to support innovative solutions to these challenges by encouraging citizens to use the available tools needed to navigate today’s complex media landscapes. Bolt therefore advocates a range of measures to safeguard media freedom and pluralism throughout Europe and to foster the emergence of a transnational European public sphere. Bolt also advocates for the strengthening of Europe’s diverse cultural landscape in order to safeguard the pluralism that underlies the European project as a whole.

Ensure media pluralism

Fight to ensure that a strong and independent public media exists in the member states

Create a European public broadcasting platform

Support strong and dynamic cultural and creative industry sectors

Open public data

Digitalisation, increased connectivity, openness and transparency are leading to changes in citizen expectations with regard to communicating with, and accessing the data of, public authorities. Open data (i.e., data collected by public institutions which is shared with the public) provides an ideal and effective gateway for citizen empowerment. It can provide an objective basis for analysis, debate, and education, as well as empower citizens to make innovative use of the data available to them. It can also be used to foster trust in government institutions as public authorities have the opportunity to become more effective and efficient, and citizens have the ability to verify political realities. In order for this to happen, however, citizens need the ability and skills to interpret this data. Our call to open public data on the one hand entails a
strong commitment to the protection of private data on the other hand, as well as a call to foster educational measures with regard to data interpretation literacy.

Strengthen the ability of citizens to influence politics

Article 21 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights guarantees to all people “the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives”. 35 The functioning of the European Union itself is “founded on representative democracy” as well
as participatory democracy, with a wealth of different variations of democracy at local, national, and transnational levels. Everywhere throughout Europe, citizens choose their representatives through the act of elections. Yet, electoral democracy is complemented, and can be further
strengthened, via elements of participatory democracy. Political innovation in general, and digital technologies in particular, have given rise to a variety of tools and processes that make it possible for citizens to more actively take part in democratic civic life beyond elections alone.
Through widespread public participation in civic affairs and the use of democratic tools, citizens can help assure that their individual and collective interests are being heard and responded to by governments that are held accountable by citizens. Bolt advocates for the strengthening of EU democracy and its member states’ democracies through the creation of additional accountability mechanisms. Starting locally, citizens are encouraged to elevate issues to the European level
by collaborating across borders using both existing tools (e.g., freedom of information requests or complaints to the European Commission or EU Ombudsman)and new channels for citizen participation, such as European Citizens’ Initiatives. Bolt will engage in a range of capacity-building activities with the goal of enabling meaningful citizen engagement by allowing citizens, governmental institutions, and other actors to enter into a meaningful exchange. In doing so, Bolt will strengthen citizens’ ability to influence politics beyond elections alone.

Grant full voting rights to mobile EU citizens in the member state where they live.

Improve accessibility of elections at European, national and local levels

Strengthen the ability of citizens to influence politics beyond elections

Bolt is strongly engaged in democratising Europe at every level—locally, nationally, and transnationally—with a specific focus on giving Europeans a voice regardless of whether they live in their home country or not. Importantly, Bolt actively works towards democratising Europe by treating the European Union as a unique political space for action. Furthermore, Bolt is deeply convinced that citizens can provide valuable information, opinions, innovation, leadership, and action that can contribute to solving local, national, European, and global challenges. In today’s fast-paced environment, in order to counteract estrangement between citizens and their political
representatives, more productive interaction is needed between them.

The goal is to empower citizens and make them active participants in the political process, creating an environment more conducive for citizens to voice their concerns, offer their ideas, take initiative, and hold governments and their representatives accountable. Government officials and politicians, on the other hand, will be empowered to be closer to their constituencies, able to better understand their challenges, and able to tap into and build on the capacity of their community in order to solve identified challenges more effectively and collaboratively. Citizen engagement shall be promoted as a key factor in shaping the future of European democracy.

Strengthen transnational European democracy

Strengthen tools for direct citizen engagement in politics

Empower citizens and governments to take concrete action