From the video titled:
“IT’S ALL-OUT WAR!” – No One Is Ready For What’s COMING
Before reading the rest of this, I would like to state up front, I am not sure if Brand actually belives these things, as this whole presentation smacks of trolling. However, the content does follow enough familiar tropes, that I felt addressing them here, on the Bolt Europa offical website, would be useful, for when people ask us about our affinity for the north atlantic treaty organization, as well as following their press releases, events, etc.. This is because they are the primary security provider in the European region, from which Bolt, a pan-european political party, is based.
So while it is popular for any political party to spend most of their time condemning most of the peace-keeping aspects of the rules of LAWS. mostly the failures that are typically associated with unwillingness to take responsibily for the choices made outside of their jurisdiction. While Bolt Europa does not condone violence as the solution to any problem, or as a means of political change, we do recognize the nessisicty of a coordinated, if imperfect, defense of democracy and freedom of speech, which are the cornerstones of the “western” way of life, through the force of arms, of governments. Also commonly referred to as the right to self defense.
Ultimately this is an acknowledgement that there are other perspectives on these situations, and the following is the perspective of the council of Bolt Eruopa. Which should assist you in detrmining if Bolt is a good fit for you.
The speakers are:
Russel Brand [Russel Brand]
quoted via video clips: Jake Sullivan [JS]
0:00 Jake Sullivan who advises Joe Biden on
0:02 National Security refuses to rule out
0:04 strikes directly on Iran and while all
0:06 the talk in the world is about raising
0:08 billions for forever Wars are we on the
0:10 precipice of allout war in the Middle
0:13 East oh I do hope so ~fart sound effect~
I assume this sound effect is supposed to represent a satire of conservative media
0:16 [Russel Brand] hello there you Awakening wonders
0:18 thanks for joining us on our Voyage to
0:20 truth and freedom hey if you want more
0:22 of our content exclusively early and if
0:24 you want to join us when we chat to what
0:25 I would call proper journalists like
0:27 Tucker Carlson Glenn Greenwald or
0:29 leaders like and Don Shiva Bobby Kennedy
0:31 join our awakened Wonder community and
0:33 perhaps we can do something magnificent
0:35 together create a movement that we all
0:37 participate in that’s unified but
0:38 decentralized and we oppose the
0:41 establishment that seems hellbent on
0:42 leading us into more and more forever
0:45 Wars. Jake Sullivan who you might have
0:47 seen at Davos is now on MSNBC doing one
0:51 of those half interviews that political
0:53 figur sometimes do where they sort of go
0:54 on the television and then don’t even
0:56 tell you anything are you refusing to
0:58 roll out strikes inside Iran well I
1:00 can’t say that on the television what
1:01 are you doing on the television then so
1:03 here is Jake Sullivan National Security
1:05 adviser to your President Joe Biden
1:07 refusing to roll out strikes inside Iran.
1:10 what will happen to the Middle East and
1:12 indeed the world if America starts
1:14 bombing Iran is it going to be great for
1:16 everyone you think great for your
1:17 children great for your taxes I do hope
1:19 so let’s get into [Clip from interview] it is the United
1:21 States already in a wider war in the
1:23 Middle East [/Clip from interview] Jake what the United States
1:25 is doing is responding to threats as we
1:27 see them, that’s amazing it’s not in a
1:29 way War it’s responding to threats as we
1:32 see them does your response to those
1:34 threats as you see them sometimes to the
1:37 Casual Observer or someone who might
1:39 have studied military history look a bit
1:41 like a war with significant but
1:44 proportionate Force lovely phrase
1:46 significant but proportionate that’s one
1:48 of those things that would have been
1:49 workshopped yes it was significant but
1:51 it was proportionate people have talked
1:52 a lot about proportionality when
1:54 discussing the Dynamics between
1:56 terrorists and National armies well what
1:58 would be a proportionate response and
Well yes and no, while Proportionality in the IHL (International Humanitaian Laws which are the semi-official “rules of war”) is about Militaries in persectution of the “war on terror” It is often extended to policing actions. So it does not only cover “terrorists” but also civilians and civilan populations in general.
Ostensibly what it is referring to, is a restriction on the use of unmitigated violance in civilian areas, which typically results in unessisary deaths. Which is about preserving the lives of humans in the area, which is what makes the LAWS ‘humanitarian’. It also makes flattening a city block to kill one terrorist, a war crime, by being a dispraportinate use of force, a war crime, which is seperate from genocide. The reason that is illigal, is because it’s a common feature of genocide which was obscured as a doctrine of “total war” between 1910-1945 and led to the creation of International Humanitarian Law in the first place.
1:59 actually it is a ridiculous word when
2:02 talking about war isn’t it because if
2:03 you talked about proportionality and
2:05 reason you would surely get to the point
2:07 where you agreed that diplomacy and
2:09 peace was the best proportion to offer
2:12 everybody, this rationalization of
2:14 military escalation is a curiously
2:16 modern phenomena in the days of
2:18 Barbarians and Mongols and Saron swords
2:21 swinging about I think people at least
2:23 knew look we want to be powerful we’re
2:25 stronger than you you’re going to do
2:27 what we tell you or we’ll Force you now
2:29 would try to present War to you as if
2:32 it’s well that’s all we could do it’s
2:33 the only way to bring about peace sadly
2:35 I hate War more than
2:37 anyone but has the war expanded has the
So this gets into the muddy area not of war, but of policing. Yes, global policing, as satarized in the movie
Unfortunately, international terrorism and organized crime, are real and have to be dealt with on an international basis, considering how often these kinds of problems have historically also driven by intelligence agencies, it requires something a lot more effective than local law enforcement, and occurs outside their jurisdiction, you wouldn’t want them to have that power anyway.
Talk about proportionality is actually a reference to de-escalation while waving the sword of damocles around consequences, because 80% of the time, people who escalate to a de-facto state of war, are not the kind of people who can imagine the end of war, or what the world would be like without war, or can think of a way other than their violence, to achive thir goals. Some small part of them does not expect to survive, or that there are no consequences for people of their position in the intlligence apparatus of their country. And the ICJ (international court of justice) is there to remind them of that, unless your country is a Superpower, the ICJ reall can and does catch and imprison those types of people, for the rest of their lives, and will imprison them, regardless of how many years may pass after the end of the conflict.
2:40 war expanded in the region Jake well
2:43 first we don’t accept that what’s
2:45 happening in the Red Sea for example
2:46 Kristen is uh entirely tied to uh the
2:52 war in Gaza entirely tied somewhat
2:55 connected tangent connected a little bit
2:58 tied it’s very curious when when you
3:00 watch old media experts engaged in
3:03 discourse you’ll notice that what you’re
3:05 watching is a ballet of syntax non
3:07 commitment vague ideas generalities
3:11 rather than sort of like casual
3:12 discourse because of course Jake salivan
3:13 can’t go on Joe Rogan for three hours
3:16 this is the kind of meted language
3:18 you’ll get from the Legacy Media ⮦⮋⮧ this is
I feel like there needs to be a reminder here, that Jake Sullivan, is not “the media” or “legacy media”
He is representing the Defense establishment of the US government, talking about ongoing the counter terrorism operations,in which the US defense establishment is currently a primary stakeholder, but not the only one.
It also goes unsaid, that having government officials, talking about ongoing operations, especially when they involve things like terrorism, is not unlike law enforcement talking about ongoing and unsolved crimes, there are a lot of things they are forbidden from announcing to the world, especially to the criminals that are under investigation. For obvious operational purposes, which are normally referred to as “sources of intelligence” or “methods and means”
It’s actually only ever a feature in countries with freedom of speech. Which is why you don’t see things like that out of Russia and China. It’s an unacknowledged privlidge of living in a free society, which is often referred to as “freedom of speech” or “freedom of the press”
tldrl; Jake Sullivan, is not “the media” or “legacy media” and just because someone appears on mean stream television, does not make them “the media”
The government, is not “the media”
3:19 why we need Independent Media that’s why
3:21 it’s important significant epocal even
3:23 that Tucker has spoken to Vladimir Putin
3:25 because what’s happened now is
3:26 everything is shifted now we’re
3:28 confronted with information that’s not
3:29 gone through this type of filter (video clip)[JS] because
3:32 the houthis are attacking shipping that
3:33 has absolutely nothing to do with Israel (/video clip)
3:37 those houthis (video clip)[JS] so there are connections
3:39 among these things to be sure(/video clip) but it’s
3:41 weird because then he keeps telling you
3:42 that there is a connection one thing for
3:44 certain bombing Iran can’t make this
3:47 situation any better you can’t just bomb
3:49 Iran and then just go, well let’s just
3:50 hope that people respond to that
3:52 rationally and whether or not the houthi
3:54 are engaged in this activity in the Red
3:58 Sea as a response to events in Gaza or
4:00 not the bombing of Yemen in a kind of
4:03 tit fortat violent exchange between the
4:06 American Military and the hoies it’s
4:08 hardly likely to make the situation any
4:09 better ⮦⮋⮧ and is yet more of this fuel to
The reason [JS] refers to the connection, is the implication that Iran is doing that thing, where they utilize proxies in the region, to destabilize the regions, which enables their handlers, to assert their own control in the region. Sort of like how the Oct 7th terror attack, not an “invasion by rival military” (which is why that is not a war) had the two fold purpose, if trying to increase war fatigue from the Ukraine war, by increasing military expenditures on multiple fronts, and increasing the tax burdens on the citizens of those nations, thus increasing the cost of living, but also to disrupt the, at that time, increasing security cooperation between Saudi Arabia and Isreal. and maybe a teeny bit about letting MBS know, that there are larger security forces in the region, giants in a sandbox as it were. Though more often they are activated when a sufficiently large petro state wants to increase the price of Oil, for their economy.
That is something not about fueling the flames, these types of dynamics are what makes counter terrorism so unpalatable, because it forces us to confront the possibility US isolationism, as well as the Thucydides Trap
4:12 the Flames mentality that seems very
4:14 good for the military-industrial complex
4:16 very good for generating a state of
4:17 anxiety around the world extra taxation
4:20 more money for the Pentagon who can’t
4:21 pass an audit do any of us believe at
4:23 this point that it’s going to reach a
4:25 resolution that the hoofy are going to
4:26 sort of stop doing that this idea that
4:28 you can kind of kill everyone that you
4:29 don’t agree with whether it’s in Canada
4:31 from euphanasia or in the Red Sea
4:34 through the this kind of military
4:35 activity sort ridiculous ⮦⮋⮧ and now we have
The thing of it is, he is wrong. It is technically and currently possible to for the US to “kill everyone that you
don’t agree with” They have more than enough weapons, without even considering nuclear weapons.
That is typically the mentality of people who try to solve their problems with violence. I am quite certain “the west”, or at least western militaries, would not allow themselves to be led by someone like that. However as Eisenhower mentioned We recognize the need for this development, but we must not fail to comprehend, it’s grave implications.
So it only seems ridiculous or absurd, for a person living in a country where the laws free the people, with the rule of law to protect them from the excesses of capital, rather than a country where the laws are there to control the people and extract the maximum amount of economic value, the rule of force. Which is often misrepresented as “east vs west”
But that is how you get things like forced organ harvesting. So don’t kid yourself, not only is “kill everyone that you
don’t agree with” entirely possible, it is even the policy of some governments. As well as being common for organized crime, which is often romanticized by Hollywood.
4:37 the benefit of the kind of hindsight we
4:39 do whether it’s the invasions and wars
4:41 in Iraq and what that subsequently led
4:42 to or even the Suez Canal like nearly a
4:44 century ago 70 years ago you kind of
4:47 learn first of all of these events
4:49 through a patriotic lens that’s our
4:51 Canal we should use it when we will then
4:53 you find out yeah what Egypt were doing
4:54 is saying well that Canal’s in our
4:56 country go off you go I mean the fact is
4:58 Yemen is a lot nearer to the Red Sea
5:01 than Milwaukee (video clip)[JS] these are distinct
5:04 threats as well that we need to deal
5:06 with uh on their own basis so in the Red
5:09 Sea we need to deal with the threat to
5:10 commercial shipping and we are doing so
5:12 with the Coalition of countries (video clip) but
5:14 they’re making actually imperialism and
5:16 colonialism just sound like that’s
5:18 business as usual there are commercial
5:20 ships in the Red Sea and of course all
5:21 of us in one way tangent or otherwise
5:24 are benefiting from Commerce and
5:25 America’s role in the world and I
5:27 sometimes wonder wish almost that
5:28 someone would say look realize what this
I am not sure if Brand is trying to refer to the strategy of
which have since been adopted by their partners over the years, or infighting among Arab states, with this reference, but determining if these are proxy conflicts, or direct conflicts, is something only someone like [JS] would know.
Though part of that tactic, is typically trying to associate something like counter terrorism and international military cooperation in stability and peace keeping operations, with colonialism and imperialism, because both things involve soldiers and law enforcement from other countries, which nationalists hate, because it threatens their own corruption.
Which is sort of like claiming that capitalism is “the west” but greed is traditional. capitalism is not a system of government, it’s a form of market organization. Something the same bigots who talk about imperialism or colonialism, will only selectively remember, in their transactional relationships. While transactional relationship are remarkably uncommon in “the west” seeing as European officials so regularly talk about their values driven approaches. Which in case you have difficulty with reading comprehension, is not capitalist, and results in things like, international coalitions of peace keeping forces, spending massive amounts of money so that people in some other country, are not ruled by warlords and/or organized crime syndicates. Which is remarkably expensive, especially considering that it’s not transactional, and they do not earn a profit from controlling distribution of resources in those areas or imposing taxes on those peoples, or monopolizing those markets.
It would only be capitalist, if they were doing it for the money. And killing people for money, or controlling their lives for profit, is what could be called imperialism and colonialism. Because that is what leads to all other forms of motivated reasoning, for the purposes of political tribalism which is reminiscent of the warring states era.
5:30 is if China and Russia gain Global
5:32 preeminence your little way of life and
5:34 your cute little shirts are over baby
This is a zero sum approach is the “alternative” to capitalism which fundamentally fails to understand the value of trade, or the understanding that China is not “the west” not because of their unwillingness to engage in trade, but the unwillingness to conform to western political norms, around things like freedom of speech and freedom of press, which is a mechanism for trying to mitigate large scale corruption in democratic societies, because that also threatens hereditary caste structures, which are common in things like organized crime.
This is why Russian propaganda, as well as others, often project their own internal dynamics on “the west” while ignoring the prevalence of those dynamics across all cultures, while suggesting only their own should have the authority, to “solve those problems” usually via the whole “kill everyone that you don’t agree with” which happened to most independent media outside of the west, at the hands of a combination of organized crime, and corrupt local “law enforcement” especially in places like Mexico and south american countries. Thanks social media.
And is also why Bolt Europa has such a large emphasis on security culture and not selling the private information of it’s members for advertising revenue.
Ultimately, conversations which are based around these dynamics, are typically a litmus test that is the first step in a recruitment chain for extremists which are looking for useful idiots.
5:36 but I don’t see that I don’t recognizing
5:37 my own such as it is analysis of global
5:40 events an agenda by Russia to start sort
5:42 of getting into Madrid or New York or
5:44 for China to start running around in
5:46 Frankfurt it seems like they’re doing
5:48 stuff in their regions that are mostly
5:50 connected to trade and geographical
5:52 disputes that are a significant part of
5:54 their history whereas America are
5:56 bombing Yemen when they used to bomb
5:58 Vietnam and Afghanistan ⮦⮋⮧ all these places
geopolitics is like that.
6:00 what the hell’s that got to do with us
6:02 all of a sudden what is this role and is
6:04 this possibly a time to revise it even
6:07 if it’s being done with the best incent
6:08 we have to do that these people are
6:09 savages ⮦⮋⮧ when we were doing it the
That would sound like colonialism, though the “these people are savages” is what happens to most people under the rule of force, this may surporise you, but if people are constantly hungry and under stress, they stop being reasonable, and their behavior can be quite savage, or maybe I should ask if beheading as a form of justice does not seem savage, which implies pre-civilizational thinking, which is to say that “savage” was a reference to people who did not have organizational structures larger than tribes, and thus did not really respect the human rights of “outsiders” because they also lack a concept of “human rights” because “the other” people outside of their tribe, are dehumanized, for the purposes of virtue signaling.
6:11 British that was our these people are
6:12 savages they need us to do it and what
6:14 the version of that is playing out now
6:16 maybe it’s time to review it (video clip)[JS] in Iraq and
6:18 Syria we need to deal with threats to
6:20 our troops and we are doing so including
6:21 with the strikes the president ordered
6:23 Friday night (/video clip)why are there American
6:25 troops in Iraq and Syria cuz Iraq and
6:27 Syria aren’t in America are they well
You can see why it’s annoying to remind people that, most countries are not western style democracies, and people who don’t value their own lives, because of how low the quality of life in their country is, combined with how normal it is for countries with hereditary caste systems, to have political structures which are reminiscent of organized crime, but does not need to be related to drug trafficking, which is why they were historically referred to as instead of as organized crime, often time need or request military intervention from international organizations.
It’s rarely ever mentioned that NATO forces never want to be deployed anywhere, and typically only do so at the request of the UNSC which is technically a NGO (non-governmental organization) as are most non-profits and all UN organizations. Which sort of is the opposite of colonialism and imperialism. Though there are instances, such as the “war on terror” which are the result of the international, non-commercial, coalitions, which include countries like Turkyie and Saudi Arabia. Though typically referred to as “the west” because 99% of the cost of their operations, though not of their leadership, are funded by “western” countries in Europe and North America.
So calling NATO “the west” would be inaccurate, in the same way that calling Bolt Europa “americans” just because some of the staff were born in the US (not india), and even though it mostly ignores US politics. It is quite the wonder how a political party which encourages European strategic autonomy, and empowers citizens who want to be in the EU, while building economies based around the euro currency, and often criticizes the US government and culture (making them look bad) could be considered to be an extension of that same government.
This tactic is commonly referred to as snitch jacketing is a common tactic of active measures, while not making logical sense, because we know that the US intelligence establishment has always been about being the sole super power and view Bolt Europa as diminishing and/or challenging their authority.
But I personally believe the elephant in the room, due to the rise in adoption of AI, is to differentiate from the US while also not being responsible for what occurs, politically and commercially, among the traditional US elite. So that, regardless of what happens in the very uncertain future, we can know for sure, it was not the AIs fault. As well as demonstrating what AI can do and how it could be integrated into society, vastly differently from how the US tech giants have. Which is also why Bolt is against advertising as a basis for it’s internal economics. Not that there isn’t advertising, only that to officially participate in the Open Business Alliance, their business can not be based around advertising revenue.
Which is another policy which would be at odds with the idea of being an extension of US politics or Tech industry. Bolt is independent, while being pan-European. More than anything else, it is not nationalistic.
6:29 (video clip)you mentioned Iraq and Syria let me ask
6:31 you how do you respond to Iran’s foreign
6:33 minister calling this a strategic
6:36 mistake that will destabilize the region
6:39 is the United States bracing for a
6:40 Counterattack (/video clip)[Russel Brand]it’s weird how they
6:42 managed to call things not war but
6:43 proportionate and significant responses
6:46 when we’ve now established in the last
6:47 three days America’s bombed Yemen Syria
6:50 and Iraq sort of pondering whether or
6:52 not to bomb Iran this isn’t a war though.
I would remind you once again, it’s not a war, because they are not engaging a military. When they are bombing people, it’s typically a camp or group of individuals, which are proxies, that is to say, funded by and possibly supported with weapons, by the IRGC, but are not themselves IRGC. That puts them in the category of terrorist instead of solider, which also means whatever gets bombed, is not a part of the IRGC. Thus it is counter terrorism, currently against both hamas and the houthis, which are terrorist organizations, and do not represent any military or officially recognized state. That is what makes it “not a war though” While areas in Yemen, Syria and Iraq were bombed, none of those airstrikes target any parts of the governments in those countries, and the US is not at war with any of those countries, which is obviated by the lack of hostility towards the governments of those countries.
6:55 (video clip)[JS]well I’m not a bit surprised that Iran
6:57 didn’t like the strikes that we took on
6:58 Friday night so that would be par for
7:01 the course (/video clip) [Russel Brand] we love you and we need you
7:04 and we also need our partners and
7:06 supporters
[ad] and today we have the
7:08 wellness company supporting us and we’re
7:10 proud to represent their products
7:12 recently clusters of respiratory
7:14 illnesses in northern China and what is
7:16 being referred to as white lung syndrome
7:18 in the United States are scattered
7:20 across our beloved headlines in our
7:22 Legacy Media this draws attention to the
7:24 importance of being prepared for medical
7:25 emergencies doesn’t it doesn’t it with
7:27 close to 90% of pharmaceu in the US
7:30 being produced outside of your country
7:32 what happens when inevitably CL schwar
7:34 decides that there is another Global
7:36 crisis countries clamp down on exports
7:39 they will stockpile the prices of drugs
7:41 will rise and the pharmacy shelves in
7:43 America will be empty like the food shs
7:45 of Europe now because of the trucker
7:47 protest it’s already starting to happen
7:48 you can feel it can’t you well the
7:50 wellness company’s medical emergency
7:52 kits got you covered for times like this
7:54 the worldness company is home to Dr
7:56 Peter mccullock hero Dr Drew Pinsky
7:59 friend both have been on the show and
8:01 other truth telling doctors who are
8:03 empowering you to take control of your
8:05 health 40% of Americans say they would
8:07 avoid a doctor or a hospital unless it
8:08 was a catastrophic situation the
8:10 wellness company’s medical emergency kit
8:12 provides a solution this handy little
8:15 kit includes eight potentially life
8:17 saving medications for you along with a
8:19 guide book that a safe use you’re not
8:21 going to guess there’s emergency
8:22 antibiotics antivirals antiparasitics to
8:25 help you and your family keep safe in
8:27 the face of natural disaster or supply
8:30 chain shortages I suppose or medical
8:31 emergencies like white lung or Co like I
8:33 said at the beginning so to take
8:35 advantage of this offer go to
8:36 TWC slbr and grab your medical emergency
8:41 kit right now that’s tww c. hebr code
8:45 brand by the way saves you 10% of
8:48 checkout so don’t wait until it’s too
8:49 late take control of your health with
8:51 the wellness company’s medical emergency
8:53 kit they’re our sponsors today let’s get
8:55 back to the content [/ad]
(video clip)[JS] we are prepared uh
8:58 to deal with anything that any group or
9:01 any country tries to come at us with and
9:03 the president has been clear that we
9:05 will continue to respond to threats that
9:07 American forces face as we go forward (/video clip) [Russel Brand] so
9:09 the general posture is that America have
9:11 the right to have troops in that region
9:13 protect commercial interests that
9:16 possibly are at odds with other Regional
9:19 interests and it’s interesting when we
It is interesting that he seems to be making a reference to the dynamics in
However, that stopped being policy almost 30 years ago, for the US. Which is why, since 2001, there have been slogans about not having wars for oil, as well as why ENRON was considered illegal and disbanded. Thus the practices were essentially outlawed in/by the US. Though there are other countries which engage in so those dynamics are still common and is one of the primary reasons for the instability in the region, combined with the various effects from climate change, causing things like droughts and other disruptions of the food system, so it’s much easier to get people to do antisocial things for money.
Either way, the US and NATO do not themselves have any corporate interests in those areas, and almost none of the companies in those areas are US or European. So I don’t know what commercial interests in the area the US or NATO would actually care about. Though they do still carry out counter terrorism in those areas, usually at the request of the governments in those areas, who don’t have an airforce and are not able to spend $60,000 per hour on fuel alone, to have airstrikes all willy nilly, nor do they want to risk the manpower or boots on the ground interventions, which are 100x-1000x as expensive.
9:21 discuss migration and border security
9:23 that America are all over the world why
9:25 the hell are these people from all over
9:27 the world arriving in America is there
9:30 anything to do with globalism that your
9:32 country is engaged in at the moment yeah
I am genuinely confused at this. mostly because I do not know what he is referring to when he says globalism or globalist here. But more specifically because, people who migrate, typically do not own or operate large corporations. So I guess this is like trying to define themselves as isolationist, by creating the identity of a globalist which doesn’t exist, because it had tons of contradictory properties. Though It seems like an interesting attempt to redefine the globalist of the corrupt corporate conglomerate, as immigrants, which is why so many of the uses of the term are contradictory. Either way, I doubt people would migrate to the US from all over the world, if they were afraid of the US gov, or thought it was directly responsible for the thing they are migrating away from. I am just confused because globalism is usually associated with trade between countries, not migration between countries.
Most of those globalists, do not actually migrate to other countries, they do sell a lot of products in them though.
9:34 we go around the world bombing loads of
9:35 people and asserting our right to
9:37 practice certain globalist principles
9:39 and when I say you I don’t mean people
9:41 in America I don’t even mean your
9:42 American Military I mean the forces that
9:45 are behind even your government the Deep
9:47 State the military industrial complex
This is what we call a false binary, because “globalism” and “globalists” are neither militaries or governments, with the “deep state” being a reference to government.
It is not the US government, nor it’s “deep state” which runs the UN or even NATO. Those are huge collections of countries participating voluntarily in democratically operated organizations. They are not vassal states of the US.
They are also not vassals of the US. They in fact, have their own governments and cultural norms, and languages. So when they participate in the UNSC or NATO, it is not a bunch of military contractors going around and deciding who gets a military intervention, and who participates in international counter terrorism.
More to the point however, western societies are not military dictatorships. They have this rare and mysterious thing called “Civil Society”
Which is also sometimes called, the non-profit sector. Can you believe there are whole sectors of society which are not about profit ? What a waste of money right?
Well either way, they are not a part of the government, or the “deep state” though they do sometimes have access to the government via lobbyists. They are also often the people who do the voting at organizations which are not US, UN, NATO, or EU affiliated.
That is where the majority of things which remain the same regardless of who is elected to any given country comes from. Like all that annoying stuff which is the basis of most populism, is unfortunately, not the deep state of the US, but the deep state of other countries who are trying to destabilize other countries. and let’s not forget organized crime is a thing that really exist. So the US military industrial complex, is not the only entity which is able to things in the world, and everything is not secretly controlled by spies. They are infact, remarkably incompetent sometimes, when you consider their failure to address a lot of the more complex threats while they became obsessed and developed tunnel vision when it came to counter terrorism since 2001.
9:49 who appear to benefit from they’ve
9:50 clearly calculated this will be good
9:52 evil way like whatever happens Iran get
9:54 involved in war that’ll be all right
9:56 Iran don’t get involved in war we’ll
9:57 just carry on you ⮦⮋⮧ they’ve not thought
While it’s debatable how many people involved are familiar with or concerned with counter terrorism, as he just said, the people he is referring to is “behind all of that” so mostly likely in a “not my job” or “not my jurisdiction” sort of way. But I think that also says something, about their adaptability to a wide range of events.
9:58 about the impact on you economically
10:00 spiritually psychologically or even the
10:02 Mortal impact of more dead service
10:05 Personnel (video clip)have you ruled out strikes
This just seems to be suggesting that they are simultaneously so incompetent that they have no idea what they are doing or what impact those things have, as if they were just sitting around randomly tapping some screen which launches airstrikes, instead of there being some kind of paperwork intensive process. Which doesn’t require any justifications, just because you are not privy to that information. And to suggest that the military does not care about service personnel, unless you are suggesting somehow “the deep state” carries out these interventions themselves, could be construed as dishonorable. Though at the same time, I don’t think most of the people in the west, outside of the militaries, and civil servants, have a meaningful concept of what honor is. Which is a problem in my opnion.
10:07 inside Iran well sitting here today on a
10:10 national news program I’m not going to
10:12 get into what we’ve ruled in and ruled
10:14 out from the point of view of military
10:16 action (/video clip) it’s funny how meta the news has
10:18 become like everyone knows what this is
10:19 and this does well sitting here on a
10:21 national news program I’m not going to
10:22 get in and out of what we will and
10:24 what’t do well what’s your bloody job
10:26 then mate what are you doing here if
10:27 you’re just going to say what you w’t
10:28 say what you will and won’t do like what
See above where I mentioned about being a government official and not being able allowed to share details of ongoing operations.
10:30 you’d want to see is now we’re not
10:31 getting into bombing Iran that’s going
10:32 to escalate war in the region I suppose
10:34 is what you want to hear isn’t it but
10:36 he’s not saying that and I suppose the
10:37 best guess has to be because they
10:39 probably aren’t going to bomb targets
10:40 inside Iran (video clip) what I will say is that the
10:43 president is determined to respond
10:46 forcefully to attacks on our people (/video clip) so
10:48 much rhetoric involved and grandstanding
10:50 and like the sort of the idea of Biden
10:52 responding forcefully if you’ve seen Joe
10:53 Biden in public he can’t respond
10:55 forcefully to his own artbeat (video clip) President
10:57 also is not looking for a wider war in
11:00 the Middle East (/video clip) well Yemen Iraq Syria
11:03 won’t rule out IR that’s a wider war in
11:05 the Middle East Linguistics packaging
11:08 semantics all the while saying you can’t
As noted above, it’s not a war, and the US government does not have a conflict with the governments of those countries.
11:10 let Tucker interview Putin he’ll
11:12 propaganda watch that’s propaganda
11:14 people are getting bombed all over the
11:15 Middle East meanwhile let’s not call it
11:17 War what do you imagine it would be if
11:19 in three days targets were hit in
11:21 Florida New York and California this is
11:24 a war this is the worst thing that let’s
That does not make sense, because those 3 states are in the same country, while Syria, Iraq, Yemen are 3 different countries.
as for the interview, are you suggesting that people who are acting as journalists should not be allowed to talk about anything other than your preferred conflict?
11:28 go that’s not oh it’s a skirmish it’s a
11:30 significant but proportionate response
11:33 that’s a mentality that has to be shed
11:34 in order to achieve peace (video clip)but is it off
11:37 the table are strikes inside Iran off
11:39 the table (video clip) even the way the discourse is
11:41 conducted like strikes in around this
11:43 all people are dying and stuff if you
11:44 went to any of these regions You’ be
11:45 meet people like limbs blown off and
11:47 yeah and that’s when Michael you can’t
11:48 even watch these kind of documentaries
11:49 you try and watch them sometimes like
11:50 maybe Michael winter bottom will make a
11:52 documentary and it’s like yeah this
11:53 5-year-old kid died and then you think
11:55 oh oh no they’re the same as us oh
11:57 my God they’re the same as us I’ve
11:58 allowed myself to think that because
11:59 they’ got different sounding names and
12:00 they’ve got different outfits on that
12:02 it’s all right to do this oh my god I’ve
12:03 been lied to (video clip)uh again Kristen sitting
12:07 here on television it would not be wise
12:09 for me uh to talk about what we’re
12:11 ruling in and ruling out [NBC] so you’re not
12:13 ruling it out (/video clip) get a room you two(video clip) I I’ll
12:15 just say the same thing one more time
12:17 which is I’m not going to get into (/video clip)it’s
12:19 theater is it it’s just entertainment
12:21 that’s not news is it that’s like she’s
12:23 playing the role of someone I’m giving
12:24 you a pretty hard time here and I’m
12:25 playing the role of Someone Like You
12:27 Know The Matrix when different people
12:29 occupied by agents orever you s think
12:30 that these are in a sense just wax and
12:33 motifs of a hidden ideology and of an
12:36 agenda of powers that are Way Beyond
12:39 like if she just went one day I’m sick
12:40 of this crap like she’d be out of a job
12:42 if he went you probably going to Brom
12:43 Iran we out of a job they’re irrelevant
12:45 aren’t they they’re just sort of they’ve
12:46 got probably less power than us (video clip)what’s
12:48 on the table and off the table when it
12:50 comes to the American response (/video clip) so there
12:51 you go let’s get an alternative
12:53 perspective on this conflict because
12:54 Christine who has many qualities and
12:56 Jake who’s adorable in his way are not
12:59 really able to give us much in the web
13:00 Insight so let’s see what we can do
13:02 together “on Friday the United States
13:04 carried out air strikes on seven
13:05 locations throughout Iraq and Syria in
13:07 what US officials said was the beginning
13:09 of weeks or even months of attacks
13:11 across the region” that we will not be
13:13 calling a war war sounds mean nasty I
13:15 like strikes love them it’s like
13:18 baseball over the next two days Saturday
13:20 and Sunday the US and UK launched
13:22 further air strikes against the houy
13:23 rebels in Yemen Yemen good the attacks
13:27 Mark the beginning of our response and
13:28 there will be more steps to come
13:30 National Security adviser Jake Sullivan
13:31 said Sunday on CNN’s State of the Union
I would crises the use of only the sames of the day of the week to identify events, as he is mixing events that are weeks apart now.
13:34 in other words the United States endless
13:36 war in the Middle East which has killed
13:37 millions of people millions of people
13:39 have died like it’s way they’re
13:40 discussing it it’s like sort of what
13:41 brand of cake mix you like most and like
13:44 millions of people have died of this not
13:46 war and destroyed entire societies over
I think he is now confusing actual conflicts that have occurred since the 1970s, with the war on terror. As since the beginning of the war on terror, a lot of people have died yes, but it was less than 2 million during the war on terror, closer to 1 million, which yes, is a lot of people. However, prior to the war on terror, there were actually very few civilian during “desert storm” and most of the the civilian casualties were inflicted by the governments in those regions. It was Assad killing Syrians, and Hussain was killing Iraqi’s, and the Islamic State was killing everyone. Warlords have been a problem in the region for hundreds of years. So, all civilian casualties can not be attributed to actions of counter terrorism, or even “the west” as is like saying when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, that was “the west” but then again, a lot of people today do not remember that the soviet union existed, or what it did outside of WW2 and sputnik.
13:48 the course of the past three decades is
13:50 entering a new and more deadly stage
13:52 yeah these been going on for ages ages
13:53 three decades we’ve kind of got used to
13:54 it tuned it out can’t really bothered
13:56 with it getting on with life and now
13:58 it’s ES escalating into actually we’re
This is actually not an escalation, as he said, this has been going on for years.
14:00 going to need you to pay a bit more
14:01 attention to this and maybe even take a
14:03 little short holiday to the Middle East
14:05 it’s a oneway ticket so it’s not too
14:06 pricey us officials have made it clear
14:08 that Central Target of the US military
14:10 offensive is Iran appearing on Meet the
14:12 Press Sunday Sullivan was asked directly
14:14 if the United States would rule out
14:15 strikes inside Iran Solomon declared he
14:18 would not do so stating I’m not going to
14:19 get into what’s on the table and off the
14:21 table when it comes the American
14:23 response but I will freely discuss
14:25 actual things that are on the table for
14:27 example that’s a pen I got that at a
14:29 hotel I was staying at recently when
14:31 Republican house Speaker Mike Johnson
14:32 followed Sullivan on the same program he
14:34 made an even more explicit threat to
14:35 attack Iran when asked do you want to
14:37 see strikes inside Iran Johnson replied
14:39 it should not be off the table every’s
14:41 obsessed with the table aren they it’s a
14:43 table one thing we can be clear about
14:45 it’s the table Wars and what they are
14:47 and what they aren’t and millions of
14:48 dead people and how they happen to get
14:50 deaded that I won’t discuss but tables
14:52 all day long I love the Grain in this
14:55 Pine table for example how did you
14:57 varnish that how many coats everything
14:59 that’s being varnished it’s the truth
15:00 the backtack appearances by officials of
15:02 both the Democratic controlled White
15:04 House and the Republican Le House of
15:06 Representatives Were Meant to convey the
15:08 unanimity within the US political
15:09 establishment for the escalation of the
15:11 war in the Middle East all right so even
15:12 the sort of curating and staging of like
15:15 here’s this guy what do you think war is
15:16 not off the table and you sir nothing’s
15:19 off the table the whole point of it is
15:20 just go look see whoever you vote for
15:22 war ⮦⮋⮧ the Biden Administration is
As mentioned above, those decisions are typically carried out by different groups, but the dynamics of the middle east has been more consistent than the US presidency, as such the conditions which arise that result in airstrikes, are firstly not determined by politicians, they do not get a vote on the individual operations, only on the existence and funding of the organizational structures, otherwise nothing would get done as they endlessly bicker and virtue signal over every decision, the opposite of fast and adaptable.
As such outside of scoring political points with virtue signaling, they mostly don’t have authority over those processes and organizations, that is why it happens regardless of who you vote for, though they have used defunding a few times, that only resulted in allies picking up the bill and did not actually prevent or control international counter terrorism.
So the reason your vote for local politicians in your state would have no effect, is because it is not their authority, or even the sole authority of the US government.
Does he think that because he is an american, that his voting rights should control all the countries in the world? Or maybe that the US president does ?
15:23 proceeding with staggering recklessness
15:26 inflaming a regional war that friend the
15:28 in the entire world people act as if
15:30 like world wars aren’t a thing you can
15:32 have world wars you know there have been
15:33 them before they’re going into regions
15:35 that are full of disputes they’re
15:37 provoking Russia over here they’re
15:38 provoking China over there they might
15:40 bomb Iran they’ve done these three
15:41 countries in the last few days they’re
15:43 pretending that it’s proportionate can
15:45 someone tell us what’s the actual plan
15:47 what’s the ideal Endo look we’re just
15:49 going to do that in Yemen then we do
15:50 that in Syria then that then that then
15:52 that and then oh no yeah you’re right
15:54 actually we’re all going to die as a
15:55 result of this a fullscale US war with
wouldn’t he just start screaming “new world government” like the Russians and try to live out some kind of “terminator” fantasy where he sees himself as “the rebels” which are saving the world from the evil war machine? I do wonder what justifications people give themselves to behave like psychopaths, especially people who get most of their “information” from hollywood movies and western entertainment. Which does sometimes make me laugh, the vast overconfidence of people who can barely manage to survive camping for a week, who think they would somehow be able to meaningfully take on the most powerful war machine in the history of the world, while also being afraid of even confronting organized crime or white collar crime. More romantic I suppose.
Though maybe it’s a subtle form of anti-intellectualism, the knowledge that there are entities so much vastly more intelligent than they can even conceive of, outside of some dystopian fantasy, compared to their own lack of knowledge about the world, since most of the space in their brains is occupied by information about the things they consume for entertainment, and this lack of intelligence, is typically associated with petty behaviors, so because they do not understand what intelligence is, or how it works, it will be just like them, and thus their model of it, is just pettiness and narcissism multiplied 1000X. And they know they wouldn’t trust themselves to manage any system as complex as those (it’s too complicated), and thus by extension, no one should, and maybe even that it’s impossible to do so, because that much concentration of power can’t not become some kind of controlling authoritarianism and micro-managing, anyone who tries would:
15:57 Iran would have catastrophic human
16:00 political and economic consequences
16:01 eclipsing even the bloodbath caused by
16:03 the 2003 invasion of Iraq one thing was
16:06 worth poin out is that Iran do have a
16:07 nuclear Arsenal which means that even
16:09 though Iran sounds a bit like Iraq
16:11 remember well no actually Iraq also had
16:13 weapons of mass destruction that’s why
16:15 we went there to get our hands on those
16:17 weapons of mass destruction but when we
16:18 got there wait a minute there were no
16:20 weapons of mass destruction that means
16:21 the same people in charged now ten list
16:23 that we should go to the war 45,000
16:25 troops station there millions of people
16:26 there this whole thing’s our fault every
I think at that moment, he might have been referring to the British.
16:28 statement made by the White House to
16:29 justify this war is a lie everyone every
16:32 statement to justify War the White House
16:34 declares it’s not seeking war with Iran
16:36 and every air strike is Justified with
16:37 the assertion it was not an escalation
16:39 we’ve reached the era where people just
16:41 lie straight to your face and expect you
See above, those things are not lies. He clearly does not understand it and it does not seem like satire at this point, he seems to genuinely not understand how anything works at the international level, and has no idea that the reason the US is “everywhere in the world regardless of who is president” is because the US is the largest guarantor of security in the world, as per international treaties, not political mandate by the US president.
The WMDs thing however, was indeed large exaggerations around uncertainty by some in the US intelligence community, and is the primary reason for their loss of clout internationally. So there have been real repercussions for that. This is why I differentiate that military certainly has and knows what honor is, but the same can’t always be said of members of certain spy agencies.
16:43 to noly accept it but fund it each new
16:45 illegal air strike is presented as a
16:47 defensive action to protect US troops
16:49 but the very presence of these troops in
16:51 the region is the continuation of
16:52 Decades of bloody us Wars throughout the
16:54 Middle East which have killed more than
16:55 1 million people and have been
16:57 accompanied by the systematic and
16:58 deliberate use of torture as state
17:00 policy in the immediate aftermath of 911
17:03 we did some things that were wrong we
17:05 tortured some folks the US maintains
If he says “we were wrong” then it probably isn’t a current policy. It is a nice reminder of intelligence agencies flouting the rules, as the US military never engaged in that themselves, that’s why they were called “CIA blacksites” and not “military blacksites” because at least the military does follow the rules of war, and that was illegal even during the time it happened, and is recognized by the chain of command as being so, at that time. But rules around secrecy prevented those protests from becoming public, but the protests did result in but I doubt anyone outside of the chain of command would be able to figure out if there was ever a protest inside the chain of command.
17:07 over 45,000 US troops throughout the
17:08 region coupled with dozens of Warships
17:10 and hundreds of military aircraft well
Getting to a sort of beating a dead horse about this again, read what international treaties US foreign policy is based around around instead of just guessing.
and that mostly, the US is in the middle east, by requests of countries in the middle east, not going in there against the wishes of it’s allies and partners, which is what makes it not imperialism or colonialism, because they were invited, they are not controlling those governments.
17:13 that’s an interesting perspective on the
17:14 situation and I felt then like if you
17:16 have family members that in the services
17:18 that maybe it’s just so in us now that
Once again, conflating international counter terrorism with war, and not knowing what a guarantor of security, or “peace keeper” is or does.
Basically suggesting that there were no problems, leaders of those countries were not persecuting smaller social groups within their countries, and or climate change has had no effect, china and russia were never there, there have not been proxy wars or any wars, other than what the US has done in the area, which also was done solely by the US and without any allies.
That way historical revisionists can claim that everything is the fault of the US, and the middle east would somehow not have any problems if the US was not there.
As if denial and motivated reasoning is not a common tactic of propagandists and nationalists.
17:20 the is a sort of a way of life and this
17:22 is part of what we do but this really
17:24 forecloses on the possibility of a
17:26 different vision of our future where
17:28 we’re not at War and the best shot for
17:30 kids from you know what they would call
17:32 Fly Over States is to go and die on some
17:35 far-flung irrelevant campaign at the
17:37 behest of globalists I think there
17:39 possibly a better version of reality for
17:40 the people of Iran the people of Ukraine
17:42 the people of Russia the people of
17:44 Delaware for all of us this can’t be the
17:46 best version of global events and when
17:48 you watch them discussing on the
17:49 television becomes clear that it isn’t
17:51 the best version and that they’ve just
17:52 not thought enough about it or they have
17:53 thought about it and the conclusions
17:54 they’ve reached are at odds with our
17:55 interests the latest offensive in the
This is the most sane thing he has said in this entire segment.
17:57 Middle East is a crucial element of an
17:58 unfolding global war centrally targeting
18:01 Russia and China the subjugation of Iran
See what I said above about Active Measures, they certainly have not managed to get any amount of profit from these “wars” and instead they got tens of trillions of dollars in debt.
So while Russia and China were not a US target while operating in the middle east, people from their intelligence agencies have, and they do try to accomplish a goal of trying to do the same thing the US did to Russia during the cold war, in Afghanistan, the difference being that, the US did not start conflicts since the fall of the soviet union (or even the conflict in Afghanistan itself, which was a Russian invasion of Afghanistan, and somehow averted that fate under the trump admin) to bankrupt itself. However the thing with being a security guarantor, is sort of being like an insurance company, it seems like a sweet gig, until it comes time to fulfill obligations, which can be very expensive in many ways, which is why Europe has not been the primary source of funding, despite all these things happening in their backyard and far from american shores.
18:03 lying at the heart of Eurasia is a
18:04 critical component of the United States
18:06 drive for global Military domination in
18:09 its effort to militarily encircle and
18:11 economically strangle China Washington
18:13 is seeking to drive a wedge between
18:15 Beijing and Iran which is a large oil
18:17 supplier to China why they just tell us
18:19 that go on then do your War a major
18:21 factor in instigating the escalation
18:23 against Iran is the massive setback
18:25 suffered by the United States and the
18:26 European imperialist powers in Ukraine
calling the Europeans imperialist powers, while they have been under-funding their militaries for decades, since WW2, is funny.
So they are either imperialist for intervening or don’t care about the middle east and not intervening enough.
I guess he is maybe suggesting that WSWS is propaganda more so than journalism.
18:29 even as us imperialism doubles down on
18:31 its fight against Russia to the last
18:33 Ukrainian it has opened up another front
18:35 in the global war this is why recent
18:38 events are so significant because now
18:40 we’re gaining access to an entirely
18:42 different perspective and one that might
18:44 be more conducive to our shared survival
18:46 than the one that we’re metaphorically
18:48 bombarded with continually that we are
18:50 told oh Russia is unprovoked aggressor
18:53 we heard Hillary Clinton say that and
18:55 what’s clear is there is a route to
18:57 peace but it involves the withdrawal of
18:59 a kind of a long established American
19:02 ideology of kind of commercial
What he actually means here, is that it would require a trumpian isolationism from it’s international obligations and treaties.
Thus leaving them to fend for themselves, which is ostensibly letting other “commercial interests” by which I think he would actually be referring to “state capitalism” if he knew what he was talking about, so instead associates the “state capitalists” with “the globalists” and thereby somehow “globalist” is used for both sides of the conflicts and thus entirely contradictory of itself as the identity he imposes here and very often expressed by the likes of Joe Rogan, to be everyone who is not the US, regardless of how different there are, ostensibly equating European corporations and governments, with liberals, authoritarians and communists, all at the same time. Which is the type of incoherence that typically requires mind altering drugs to seem to make sense, I am including opiates in that, including the legal kind which members of congress use.
19:03 imperialism would you call it that in
19:05 his appearance on Sunday Sullivan was
19:06 Keen to point out that the US strikes
19:08 against Yemen and conflict with Iran
19:10 have absolutely nothing to do with
19:12 Israel this too is a lie less than 10
19:14 days after the events of October the 7th
19:16 we warned the US is using the present
19:18 crisis to put into effect long-standing
19:19 plans for a war with Iran as the
19:22 middleast in front of the US war with
19:23 Russia and War plans against China
19:25 certainly whatever the truth of that is
19:27 I’ve heard and you’ve heard loads and
19:29 loads of times people going we want a
19:31 war with Iran how are we going to get a
19:32 war with Iran American New Century those
LoL @ new american century, and a reminder how far Bolt Europa is from that, given its focus on Europe.
To reiterate, wars are stupidly expensive, and no one in their right mind would want multiple wars on multiple fronts.
Then again, there has also been the expectation that no person or system could handle that because of how complex wars are, before even getting into how much vastly more complex war is now than it was in the 1945 – 1950’s, when most of those treaties were signed the first time.
So as surprised as you may be about that, how much of a brick must China and Russia be shitting when they realize that somehow, additional conflicts do not seem to be slowing down the command and control abilities of the US military industrial complex, even though there are more simultaneous battles now than there were during WW2. Which is still able to kill anyone, anywhere in the world, within a few hours. Which if you are keeping track, is vastly shorter than flights from the US to anywhere other than north south america.
Like some kind of giant shield … that fires missiles.
19:34 boxes that Trump was meant to add war
19:36 with Iran it’s a thing that’s been going
19:37 on long before I heard the word houthi
19:39 for example the massive armad of the
19:41 United States immediately sent to the
19:43 Middle East was not just a show of force
19:45 it was meant to be used oh since then
19:47 the United States has mobilized this
19:49 Amad to repeatedly bomb Iraq and Syria
19:52 while strikes on Yemen have become
19:54 virtually a daily occurrence American
19:56 imperialism confronts a staggering
19:58 domestic crisis in which Democratic
19:59 forms of government are breaking apart
20:01 under the pressure of enormous and ever
20:03 expanding social inequality even as they
20:05 are Ed in a bitter factional struggle
20:08 that is rapidly intensifying into a
20:09 full-scale constitutional crisis both us
20:11 political parties are committed to a
20:13 massive escalation of War throughout the
20:15 Middle East and across the globe both
20:17 both so that means as n Chomsky once
Just a reminder that most of that is virtue signaling and those things are outside of the authority both parties would have if elected, because politicians don’t get elected to the military, except for the president, which is why their virtue signaling mostly doesn’t matter and they do it so much, because they know that, outside of committees, they have no real responsibilities when it comes to those things. And most committies are a handful of people, not half of congress.
20:20 said in all instances where both parties
20:23 agree you have no choice at all that’s
20:25 not democracy that’s the opposite of
20:27 democracy I think the domestic political
What? that’s exactly what democracy is. It would only be “not democracy”
How is carrying out the wishes of the political parties “not democracy” ?
If both “sides” of the government, which is also tribalist propaganda of identity politics, as the government is supposed to have more than two sides, each person is supposed to be representing the people of their state, not a particular political party, but hey, advertising and propaganda is so cheap these days, and most of the people who talk about these things publicly, do so for attention, while most people that are even remotely involved in the processes, rarely do.
Thanks social media. Trying to base the economy entirely on advertising instead of products and service was such a great idea /s
Thanks for reminding us that most people actually don’t know what democracy is, or what representation in the government is, and gleefully have abandoned everything to a few corporations and the false binary created by dark money.
Oh wait, but I thought that was the “deep state”? How would these idiots know, they embrace the caste system and the oligarchy it represents, they are simply
and all of this certainly is not propaganda, it’s just advertising dude! no one would misuse advertising, I mean, is that even possible? /s
20:29 crisis in the United States is a major
20:31 factor in the global eruption of us
20:32 imperialism the deeper the crisis the
20:34 more aggressive the American government
20:35 becomes abroad hoping to project its
20:37 internal tensions outwards well you saw
20:40 for yourself the way that Jake Sullivan
20:41 conducted that conversation you saw the
20:43 way that the media framed it broadly as
20:45 theater and the perspective offered to
20:47 us here from a you know pretty farle
20:49 organization left in the old sense of
20:51 the word where what they’re really
20:52 interested in is attacking imperialism
20:54 attacking corporatism attacking crony
20:57 zombie capitalism is that this is an
21:00 exploitative deceptive attempt to engage
21:02 in Wars against both Russia and China
21:04 maybe some of you will argue that the
21:06 historical affiliation between those
21:08 Nations and sort of old school communism
21:09 means you can’t rely on this analysis
21:11 but I think there are plans to engage in
21:13 what looks like a global conflict I mean
21:14 that sort of makes sense doesn’t it it
21:16 sounds more true when you hear this is
21:18 an attempt to encircle Chinese interests
21:20 and get strangle hold over their
21:21 relation with Iran you don’t go well
21:23 that’s propaganda you know you think oh
21:25 yeah no God of of course knowing what we
21:27 know about the most recent conflicts in
21:29 that region that makes perfect sense but
This kind of reminds me of that time the encyclical from the Vatican tried to claim that the US was a larger polluter of green house gasses than China. But from WSWS
Remeber how the WHO handled COVID ? Which was totally a result of the recommendations from fauchi right? and not from any international influence of the WHO, after all, that lab in China was like, totally not operated jointly by the WHO and CCP or anything, Did it even originate in china at all? I heard it came from batmans cave. /s
So, eye protection was the key, and that came from fouchi?
After all, this is in English
(am I rubbing it in too much about how stupid I thought all that was?)Clearly, all of these things are examples of how the US gov and “deep state” controls everything. /s
21:31 that’s just what I think why don’t you
21:33 let me know what you think in the chat
21:34 remember we make this content every
21:36 single week and we make exclusive videos
21:38 where I get right into the philosophy
21:39 behind some of these ideas for our
21:42 supporters you can become one of them
21:43 and you can also join us and ask
21:44 questions to brilliant journalists like
21:46 greenworld taka and leaders like vanana
21:48 Shiva and Bobby Kennedy it’s worth it
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I literally have a headache from how stupid all of that was. That is what happens when you spend hours trying to imagine yourself as an idiot, it’s very stressful as well as the cognitive dissonance becomes physically painful in the form of a headache. Which apparently does not occur in people who actually believe those things. Proving once again, that being intelligent requires certain brain structures that less intelligent people don’t have and cannot “pretend” to have or simulate. So they just fill that void with whatever they see on social media. While thinking they know what a smarter person would think.
Unfortunately, one cannot actually pretend to be smart, they can only fool themselves into thinking they are, also known as the dunning-kruger effect. which is a real thing and not simply me being condescending.